The present Gerecht 10 building was among the first houses that were built in the 14th century in the area surrounding the Gerecht square and the Pieterskerk. In the course of the following centuries, many of these houses went through numerous changes. This also happened to the Gerecht 10 building. Its current facade dates back to only 1930 when a three-story residence (with a pointed front) and an adjacent two-story structure were made into a single building.
In recent decades the building was used as a residence hall for women students. While in the forthcoming renovation its basic structure will be maintained, at the same time the building’s interior will be significantly upgraded (energy efficiency, sound insulation and up-to-date installations). In addition, the student rooms will be converted into quality studios with private bathrooms and pantries. Furthermore, permission has been obtained to add to the current structure a floor with a roof, which will house solar-powered warm-water installation.

- Opdrachtgever: Particulier
- Lokatie: Gerecht 10, Leiden
- Omvang: 600m2 bvo
- Ontwerp: 2009-2010
- Bouw: 2010-2011
- Ontwerp: Mirck Architecture, Amsterdam
- Ontwerpteam: Sander Mirck, Annemarijn Haarink, David Künzel, Freek Leber, Bram van den Heuvel
- Interieur ontwerp: Mirck Architecture i.c.w. Hayo Waisfisz en Marcel Vroon
- Constructeur: Van Dijke, Koudekerk a/d Rijn
- Installatie-adviseur: ABT, Delft
- Bouwhistorisch onderzoek: Dröge Bureau voor bouwhistorie, Leiden
- Aannemer: Du Prie Bouw & ontwikkeling, Leiden
- Foto’s: Jonathan Andrew (except construction)